Rating System

I am modeling my rating system after the Michelin Star system used for restaurants. There are only three ratings that are used for this:

One star is a very good read.
Two stars is an extremely good read.
Three stars best read ever, worth it to buy the book.

The way this systems works is if I thought a book was ok I would give it a one star, if it was better then ok and I could stand to read it again I would give it two stars, three stars is the highest and reserved for those books that are my absolute favorite.

If I didn't rate the book it doesn't mean that it's not a good read, but it just wasn't good enough to fall on my rating scale.

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Esme's wish

Guys i changed blog addreses so if you would like to see the post, please go to https://slytherinbooklady.wordpress.com/2018/05/24/esmes-wis...